Whole-leaf Peach Oolong tea in convenient cold-brew pouches. Simply place overnight in a pitcher of cold water. Awake to find a tea rich in flavour and aroma. For quicker preparation, steep in hot water for five minutes and add ice. Contains oolong tea from Taiwan with the summer flavour of perfectly ripened peaches.
Each pouch contains 10 grams of tea and makes one litre of iced tea. 6 pouches per pack.
blended with
oolong tea, natural peach flavour, apple pieces, marigold flowers and peach pieces
Cultivation of peaches began in China as early as 2000BC. The winds of trade brought peaches to Greece and Persia, where they were instantly accepted. The juicy fruit was also a big hit with the Romans, who cultivated it throughout the empire.
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Adagio Teas Operations Europe Ltd. Registered in England No: 10654902. VAT No: GB932208349. Registered office: 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH, UK
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