After a misty morning walk upon the highlands, sit down to this hearty Scottish Breakfast tea. This rich blend stems from four famous tea farming regions in Assam, Keemun, Yunnan, and Sri Lanka. The full black tea leaves create a warming cup with malty, smoky notes. It is also said to be a favourite of an anonymous resident from Loch Ness, who drinks monstrous gallons a year.
This tea contains a high level of caffeine | Steep at 100°C for 3-5 minutes.
blended with
assam melody tea, keemun concerto tea, yunnan jig tea and ceylon sonata tea
It may be about this time when you start asking yourself, "English, Irish, Scottish breakfast teas... what's the difference?" While all "breakfasts" are blends of black tea (usually Keemun, Ceylon and Assam) they are intended to be a strong, rich cup to accompany even the heartiest of morning meals. However, Scottish Breakfast teas tend to be the heartiest of the bunch, possibly due to Scotland's soft water, which lead some people to believe the teas were blended specifically to combat this issue. Or, perhaps Scotts simply demand a stronger tea. Either way, it is important to note that at no time has there been a standard formula for any of these coveted caffeine-packed day starters.
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Adagio Teas Operations Europe Ltd. Registered in England No: 10654902. VAT No: GB932208349. Registered office: 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH, UK
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